warm and cozy

warm and cozy

Thursday, January 28, 2016

First, let me tell you

Cats are #$&% Jerks......

I finally (happy dance) found the box with my crock jar candle warmer, turned around to get the candle out of the box and the cat grabs the cord and pulls.  I watched it go down and I knew I couldn't reach it in time, so I had to watch it smash.  Then the race to kick the cats ass was on. Now I am not so sure I like the cat door to the basement it provided a too quick escape route for the offending party.

Last night we hauled the new antique chestnut table into the dining room.  Here it is with all 4 leaves in taking it up to 90 inches for when we have family gatherings or card/dice parties!

We decided to leave it with one leaf in for everyday use.  I love it.  It matches my chairs perfect.

I love the grain and the years of use this table has seen.

The bunnies seem to like their new home too.

Hope you find things in your day to make you Hoppy!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Snow much fun

Joel made his annual snowmobile trip with the guys from Buffalo to Turin, NY this past weekend.  I was left to my own devices so I behaved, I know how deflating.  But I did make a deal for a new to us bathroom sink for the upstairs.  The current one is in bad shape, cracked and rusty. I found one on craigslist for $15.00 including the faucet and hardware, alright! 

 Now we wait...........for installation.......and wait.......for Joel to trip over it......it will happen.....I know it will......

Helmet Hair!

Yes, I know I will be in big trouble if he sees this, but I gotta have some fun where I can.  The hair and beard were gone when I got home from work last night.  I left a Grizzly Adams and came home to my handsome husband.

Samantha came over during the weekend and we went exploring and found a great Italian restaurant in Geneva, NY, then she spent the night and it was just a wonderful visit.  I would tell you the name of the restaurant, but Samantha paid and I can't remember, it started with a "C"???

Last night we traveled to Victor, NY for another Craigslist find, an antique Chestnut table for a steal....can't wait to show you all after its in the house.

Monday, January 18, 2016

lofty ideas

We have a teeny tiny loft at the top of our stairs.  It could have been an office but Joel has the den downstairs.  It could have been a sitting area, but for whom?  I could have made it a doggie loft (I'll have to think on this one) but I just wanted it to look homey and make me feel good every time I went past.   So mission accomplished...



Built in quilt racks on the railings and I keep bed linens in the cupboard.

Old table that I had picked up for $10.00 in the Adirondacks somewhere and mom painted a wreath of blueberries and leaves around the top.

all of it makes me happy.

Friday, January 15, 2016

let discuss something less chilly

Like this nice warm photo my daughter sent me of one of her trips out on the lake this fall to fish.

First that is a great fish, Samantha.

Secondly, I love how happy she is in this photo.  Not being a fishing person, I assume the smile has to do with the size of the fish and that it was bigger than the ones caught by the boys (wink, wink).

So this is a great warm moment and thought for the day.

We all, Joel, Samantha, Nate, Mollie (Nate's girlfriend) and I, went out to dinner last night in Geneva, NY at the Beer and Brew to give Nate a final send off and spend sometime together in each others company...

I confess today having a heavy heart and a lump in my throat leaving the house this morning.  I guess maybe its the not knowing how long it will be before I see Nate again and him being far away, I am not sure...  I try to keep it to myself well because men just don't understand and I don't want people to think I am looking for sympathy (because I am not)...but here is my safe zone and I can be my momself and say whats on my mind right????

I seriously just enjoy my children's company, more so as they have become adults and left home.  They are never overbearing, rude or dumping their problems (yes, we talk about things) but they are sooooo self efficient, happy, fun and funny.  They make me smile, laugh and bring me joy just in their presence.

 This has always been the case but I appreciate it even more as Father Time has proven not to take advantage of his gifts of moments because they are not guaranteed.  I do take heed and try to remember this everyday, I am sure this makes me more sentimental and hence "more emotional" and that "oh, mom" but we all get to that "it mattered more than I thought" in our own time and place.

Right now to me it all matters, every moment, smile and hug.

so till next time, may the sun light you path and your angels be at your back,

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

So now life is getting to its new normal

We have closed on both homes.  Said goodbye to the Willows and hello to the Cabin. I guess that's what I will call it for now.   I feel like I need to update my header and change it, since I am not stitching in the Willows, but we will see...
I am hoping to start bringing you some before and after photos

Here is my first: 

Before: the dining area

After: Dining Area

The light that was there was nice but it was not the lamp that my mom made for me so it had to go.
The chairs belonged to Grandma Hess and my mother had re-done the seats so they were a must keep, besides the fact that they have nice wide seats and are comfy.  The table is a make shift (from pieces and parts) until we find the perfect antique round table that we love.  I am also looking for a used round braided rug for the area.

I am getting used to my different drive to work.  This past weekend I got a new to me car so many changes all at once.

This weekend should be fun, I won tickets to the Seneca Lake Wineries "Pasta and Wine" Tour.  Samantha is going to join me, since Joel is not into the winery thing.  Should be a great Mother/Daughter time.  Now if I can figure out a way to get some fabric worked into it....

till next time may sunshine light your path and angels be at your back,  

Monday, January 11, 2016

The time has come

for this young man to start his travels.

So I gathered the family and we had a hearty meal and granted him our best wishes for a fruitful career, safe journey's and many visits home to the people who love him the most in the whole world.

I raised you to go forth and do good things with the talents you have been gifted.  This doesn't mean I don't carry the worry of a mother in my heart for your happiness and safety.  So call...I mean it or so help me, I will call your commanding officer and you know I will.

In an effort to obtain this photo of Nate and my side of the family....

I had to deal with this.....brothers..... whom by no means know how to behave and I blame this on my mother.  First, because she is not here to defend herself but next because its her fault, she thought they were funny and let them repeatedly get away with their antics.

See what I mean...here are their saintly wives that can do nothing with them as you can see by the rabbit ears they are BOTH wearing.

and this is nothing new...I've been dealing with these two hooligans since the very start.  What is so hard about look at the camera and smile.  Ugh...cursed I tell you.

Miss Ollie helped me in the Kitchen all day.  

Sam and the cat...who lets her hold her like a baby.  The cat is putty in her hands.  To the rest of us she is a ball of fur with claws.

till next time, I hope the sun shines on your path and the angels are at your back, 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Quiet beginning

to the new year.  I was sitting in my chair working away on my cross stitch and looked around to see the following scenes....Everyone content and relaxing.  

I did take some time to sort out my sewing room and made head way, enough that I could start sewing if I want, but not enough to the point I know where everything is.  Still have things in boxes and my fabric is in bags until I have shelving in the closet.  But I have a few kits that I could work on and of course my scrap baskets that still provide an abundance of material.